Our Journal

Exploring the Evidence

The Other Side of Mozart’s Legacy
The Other Side of Mozart’s Legacy

Explore the untold story of Mozart, where myth and reality collide. Our critical examination of his life and works reveals a legacy shaped by profit, myth-making, and misattribution. Join us in uncovering the truth behind the man and his music.

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The Deception Surrounding Mozart’s Legacy
The Deception Surrounding Mozart’s Legacy

Anton Eberl’s confrontation with Constanze in 1798 exposed a web of deceit surrounding Mozart’s legacy, revealing that several of his compositions were falsely attributed to the late composer. This chapter uncovers the ethical dilemmas and controversies that have marred the posthumous reputation of one of history’s most celebrated musicians.

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The Italian Journey
The Italian Journey

The Mozarts’ Italian journey of 1769 was not a leisurely Grand Tour but a strategic mission driven by ambition, navigating the treacherous roads of 18th-century Europe in pursuit of fame and fortune.

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From London to Vienna
From London to Vienna

The Mozart family’s journey from London to Vienna was marked by illness, failed opportunities, and the relentless ambition of Leopold Mozart, revealing the pressures and challenges behind the facade of success.

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The Visit to Verona
The Visit to Verona

In Verona, young Wolfgang Mozart impressed the local nobility, but the reality behind the scenes reveals a carefully managed public image, where strategic networking and curated praise played key roles in shaping his growing reputation.

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From Innsbruck to Bolzano
From Innsbruck to Bolzano

From Innsbruck to Bolzano, the Mozart family’s journey was a blend of strategic networking and missed opportunities, revealing the challenges of securing fame in 18th-century Europe.

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The Vienna Disaster
The Vienna Disaster

The failure of La Finta Semplice in Vienna was a turning point for the Mozart family, revealing the cracks in the facade of Wolfgang’s prodigious reputation and prompting a desperate escape to Italy in search of redemption.

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The Ambiguous Legacy of Leopold Mozart
The Ambiguous Legacy of Leopold Mozart

This post explores the multifaceted and often controversial life of Leopold Mozart, providing insight into the complexities and contradictions that defined his career and legacy.

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