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Discover our selection of books, translated from our original Italian editions, and available now in English.

Mozart: The Fall of the Gods - Part I

This book compiles the results of our studies on 18th-century music and Mozart, who has been revered for over two centuries as a deity.

We dismantle the baseless cult of Mozart and strip away the clichés that falsely present him as a natural genius, revealing the contradictions in conventional biographies.

In this work, divided into two parts, we identify and critically analyze several contradictory points in the vast Mozart bibliography. Each of the nearly 2,000 citations is meticulously sourced, allowing readers to verify the findings. This critical biography of Mozart emerges from these premises, addressing the numerous doubts raised by researchers.

Mozart: The Construction of a Genius

This groundbreaking volume exposes the fabricated myths of Mozart’s so-called genius, revealing how historical manipulation has distorted his legacy to preserve a false image.

Scholars Luca Bianchini and Anna Trombetta delve into biographical details, compositions, and historical documents to uncover a startling truth: Mozart’s Thematic Catalogue from 1784 to 1791 is a sophisticated forgery from the late 18th century.

This groundbreaking revelation is supported by their presentation at the 21st International Conference of the Graphonomics Society.

On the Horizon

Keep an eye out for these exciting upcoming releases! Publication dates will be announced soon.

Mozart in Italy

This book uncovers how Leopold Mozart ruthlessly controlled his son’s early career, focusing on how Mozart’s operatic successes were mere reproductions of existing works, especially the heavy borrowing from Quirino Gasparini.

It offers a unique look at their Italian travels, using original manuscripts and documents. 

The online expansion includes rare audio, video, and manuscript access.

Mozart: The Magic Flute

This book uncovers the hidden agendas and symbolic messages within The Magic Flute, revealing its deep connections to the political unrest of 1791.

Key events like the trial of Cagliostro and the Inquisition’s condemnation of the Illuminati shaped the opera’s themes.

By reconstructing the cultural and political atmosphere of late 18th-century Europe, the book immerses readers in the mindset of Mozart’s contemporaries, highlighting how these influences impacted audience perception.

Mozart - The Construction Of A Genius

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Luca Bianchini and Anna Trombetta delivered lectures on Mozart and the relationship between words and music in the 18th century at Bocconi University in Milan.

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Luca Bianchini and Anna Trombetta delivered lectures on Mozart and the relationship between words and music in the 18th century at Bocconi University in Milan.


Mozart in Reverse